Young v. Bitcon was tried to jury verdict in Placer County. The plaintiff claimed that Jim’s client was negligent for failing to observe him while he was riding his bicycle in the bike lane. Jim contended that the plaintiff was riding his bicycle against traffic at an excessive speed and therefore the accident was completely the plaintiff’s fault. As a result of the impact between Jim’s client’s car and the plaintiff, the plaintiff sustained fractured ribs, a wrist fracture, and low back pain. After a three-day trial the jury deliberated for thirty minutes and returned a defense verdict in Jim’s client’s favor. The jury found the plaintiff 100% at fault for the accident. The defendant had offered the plaintiff $5,001 in a 998 three months before the trial. The plaintiff did not accept the 998 offer within the statutory period. The offer was never made again and the only offer at the time of trial was a waiver of costs. Since Jim’s client was the prevailing party at the trial, the insurer was awarded over $3,000 in costs.