Some slip-and-fall accidents occur due to environmental issues or poor property maintenance. Wet floors and tripping hazards can increase the likelihood of a slip-and-fall incident occurring at a business or residential property. However, even those who are proactive...
Serving clients in civil litigation since 2003.
Premises liability defense
When is a business potentially liable for a slip-and-fall incident?
Businesses that open their facilities to the public have numerous risks to address. In some cases, visitors might engage in misconduct for which the business could be at least partially liable. Other times, there may be a reason to worry about shoplifting at a retail...
3 ways homeowners can reduce their overall premises liability risks
Premises liability is one of the negative aspects of home ownership. Everyone who owns a property has reason to worry that other people could end up hurt while visiting. Someone who falls down the stairs, gets bitten by a dog or suffers injuries caused by tripping...
Why guests may fraudulently claim to get hurt at someone’s house
Most people are required to carry homeowners insurance because they finance the purchase of their primary residence. Companies do not want to take any risks when facilitating a large transaction and require enough coverage to rebuild the edifice should anything occur....
3 ways for homeowners to reduce their risk of premises liability
Buying a homeowner’s insurance policy gives an owner of residential real estate protection against damages and liability. People often focus their attention on the coverage that applies after weather incidents or crime to protect them from property damages. They may...
How homeowners can fight claims of negligence
Guests, service providers and even solicitors might try to take legal action against a homeowner because they’ve been hurt while visiting someone's home. Anyone who owns property experiences some degree of liability risk should other people get injured while at their...
Comparative fault can end a claim against a homeowner’s policy
Most homeowners in California carry insurance on their property. Lenders typically require insurance on properties financed with the mortgage. Even after someone pays off the financing on their home, they will likely pay for a homeowner's insurance policy to protect...