For businesses that produce products for either individual consumers or other companies, product liability is one of the biggest risks of doing business. The possibility is always there for something to go wrong with your products. If people get hurt or suffer...
Serving clients in civil litigation since 2003.

Personal injury defense
Protect yourself and your pet from claims it attacked unprovoked
A dog can be a source of companionship, protection, exercise and entertainment. They can also increase your risk for an insurance claim or even a personal injury lawsuit against you. Animals can cause serious physical injury and mental harm when they attack people. In...
Court Of Appeal Narrows Vehicle Use Exception Of Coming And Going Rule
In California, employers are generally liable for the actions of their employees. Known by its Latin name, respondeat superior, the rule is part of the much larger concept encompassing vicarious liability. Under California’s respondeat superior rule, an employer may...
Mitigation Of Damages
Must a personal injury plaintiff mitigate damages by attending medical treatment appointments outside working hours in order not to incur damages for loss of time from work? A personal injury plaintiff has a general duty to mitigate his/her damages. “The person...
Underinsured Motorist Arbitration – Powers Obtains Defense Award
This underinsured motorist claim went to binding arbitration. In this case, the claimant was a real estate appraiser who claimed that he sustained hip, right knee and lower back injuries arising from a November 1997 motor vehicle accident. The claimant contended that...