Insurers have to look at many claims each day. It’s up to them to determine if they should fulfill the claim or if that claim has been falsified or overexaggerated.
Spotting a falsified car accident or personal injury claim isn’t always easy, but it’s important. Finding these false claims and fighting them helps reduce insurance costs for all of your policy holders.
How can you recognize false personal injury claims?
To recognize false personal injury claims, the first thing you have to look at is the basic information about the claim. For example, the driver making a claim may say that another driver pulled out in front of them despite not having the right of way.
When you take the statement from the other driver, they argue that the driver had waived them forward. As soon as they moved forward, that driver then T-boned them.
In this situation, the policy holder may have participated in a drive down, which is a scam in which they lie about giving the other person permission to go ahead before hitting them.
Another common fake accident scam occurs when a leading vehicle pulls in front of a victim. Another vehicle working with the lead boxes them in from the side. Another vehicle may also come from behind and make it so that the driver has to speed up. The front driver then slams on the brakes, which doesn’t give the victim time to respond.
Since most rear-end collisions find the rear driver to be at fault, the front driver is able to make a claim despite setting up the accident.
These are two of a few serious fake accident situations that could cost your company money and time. If you suspect that a personal injury claim has come from one of these fake accident scams, then it’s important that your company does deny the claim and prepares to defend that denial. Even if the alleged victim and policyholder tries to get you to settle or to take you to court, the information you collect could help you defend your denial of their claim, so your company saves money.