Some slip-and-fall accidents occur due to environmental issues or poor property maintenance. Wet floors and tripping hazards can increase the likelihood of a slip-and-fall incident occurring at a business or residential property.
However, even those who are proactive about property maintenance can end up accused of causing a slip-and-fall when they are not at fault. Sometimes, people don’t want to take accountability for their own mistakes and unsafe behavior. They may try to lay blame on others even though they contributed to their own slip-and-fall accident.
Sometimes property owners need to fight against claims that unsafe conditions caused a fall and prove that the person who fell caused the issue on their own. How can people contribute to their own risk of slipping and falling?
1. Wearing unsafe shoes
One of the most common ways that people put themselves at risk of a slip and fall is the choice to wear unsafe shoes in public.
Flip-flops and other shoes that do not have adequate traction can easily lead to people slipping and falling. High heels, shoes in poor physical condition and shoes that do not actually fit an individual’s feet are among the various types of shoes that could increase the risk of a slip-and-fall.
2. Running or engaging in horseplay
Most pools that are accessible to the public have signs advising visitors not to run or engage in horseplay. Those same rules can apply anywhere.
When people goof around or move too quickly, they increase their risk of losing their balance or losing traction and falling. People engaged in a chasing game or moving at relatively high speeds in unsafe footwear could very easily fall and end up hurt as a result.
3. Failing to monitor surroundings
Property owners have an obligation to maintain safe and clean facilities. However, conditions can change in an instant, which means people need to maintain their awareness of their surroundings.
Another visitor might drop a cup of coffee on the floor, and suddenly there is a major slipping hazard present. People generally need to monitor their surroundings to ensure their safety. If they do not because they can’t take their eyes off of their phones, then they might be responsible for a slip-and-fall that leaves them injured.
Documenting various factors that may increase slip-and-fall risk can help property owners limit their liability when people get hurt. Those hoping to respond effectively to a slip-and-fall claim may need support as they evaluate their circumstances.